We are so excited so be finishing the end of our first year with our debut performance at Stroud Pride!
We will be singing four songs at 12:30pm in Bank Gardens at the Stroud pride Big Picnic 2022. The singers have been working so hard on this and its super challenging when you're a small group like us and some of the choir are completely new to singing in public. But I know we will smash it and would so love for as many of you to come along and support us as possible. There will be some songs that you know and can join in with and some songs that you don't. All of the songs we are singing have reference to the LGBTQ+ movement and culture.
Our choir director will also playing with their duo, Dryadic later on in the day so there's lots going on.
Stride Proud at Stroud pride! What a way to end our very first year!